Re: Real time operating systems
Posted by
Tim Goldstein
on 1999-06-17 22:20:57 UTC
I have no experience or expertise to say whether your idea would work, but
off the cuff it sounds like it would be more work than it is to just load
Linux and get EMC running. I think with the help and support of this group
someone could get Linux and EMC set up and running in a couple of evenings
and from that point on the Linux portion becomes pretty transparent and you
just deal with EMC.
[Denver, CO]
off the cuff it sounds like it would be more work than it is to just load
Linux and get EMC running. I think with the help and support of this group
someone could get Linux and EMC set up and running in a couple of evenings
and from that point on the Linux portion becomes pretty transparent and you
just deal with EMC.
[Denver, CO]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Romine [mailto:mromine@...]
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 1999 8:25 PM
> To:
> Subject: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Real time operating systems
> From: Mike Romine <mromine@...>
> I have been reading all the EMC for Unix stuff with great interest. But
> I really don't want to go through the pain of converting my home CNC
> over to Unix. My experience with Unix is that it is a catch 22 of
> sorts: it is a really cool operating system because it is an open
> standard; it is also a real pain in the ass because its an open
> standard. But I have been thinking about something ever since I read
> that the decision to go Unix was for real time determinism. Wouldn't it
> be fairly simple to create a FIFO memory buffer between the computer and
> motor controller such that it buffers motion commands from a
> non-realtime computer and issues them in real time? The FIFO would not
> even need to be very deep if you had a feedback to the computer to tell
> it "I'm full now, stop transmitting". I don't know the EMC program
> structure, so I don't know how hard this would be to implement in code.
> But it seems simple, and would open the door to using any operating
> system.
> Mike
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Discussion Thread
Mike Romine
1999-06-17 19:25:18 UTC
Real time operating systems
Tim Goldstein
1999-06-17 22:20:57 UTC
Re: Real time operating systems
1999-06-18 08:35:32 UTC
Re: Real time operating systems