CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] commercialization of the list?

Posted by Tim Goldstein
on 2000-08-22 23:03:21 UTC
Oh no, not this discussion again.

Seems like the topic of selling and commercial postings comes up about every
4 - 5 months. Last time when the list mamma said that selling type posts
were off limits many of us list regulars quickly convinced him we want to
see this type of thing. I think the consensus is was that this list is
allowing people to learn what is available and what some of these parts cost
and such information is valuable.

I think Mariss was very upfront and asked if giving the list members a
preview of the manual was OK. The only answers that I am aware of said yes.
I think Mariss is correct, there is a lot if interest in his servo drives
and a number of list members want to know more about them to start getting
ready for the production release. I don't think the information is of
interest only to beta testers as it is the interested and curios that need
the manual more. The beta testers already have a copy and know how to setup
the drives.

So, in summary I think Mariss is within the previously discussed limits of
the group. The thought was and I think still should be that if a
contributing list member wants to let us know what they have that may
interest us that is OK. OTOH, if a person comes to the list, has nothing to
contribute and wants to post ads that is not OK. Sort of subjective but I
think it is realistic and fair.

[Denver, CO]
Long time list member and general grouch

> I am sad.
> Today my favorite list crossed what I think is/was a line that
> shouldn't be crossed. I am not the list owner, and I mean no harm but
> I want to say that it seems wrong to have gecko publish on our list
> something they don't want to publish on their own website.
> A suggestion: If it's not ready for public consumption, post a
> message asking for beta testers (readers). Or post a "hidden" url
> to us for where we may find it on the Geckodrives site.
> I believe Mariss is an asset to our group and appreciate his
> knowledge and willingness to share, and really believe he is on the
> right track. I hope he makes millions. :)
> The question begs, do we want to commercialize the list?
> If Jon Elson wants to post his servo drive owners manual, do we say
> yes?
> If Doug Yeager wants to put his CNCpro software for download, do we
> say yes?
> If Dan Mauch, Hans W, etc, wants to post...?
> Point is, there are a lot of commercial guys on this list. So far,
> there has been a good balance between letting us know whats out there,
> and keeping us true to Bills' (wanliker, the list owner) original
> vision for a hobbiest discussion forum.
> I hope we have not crossed the line.
> I am just one voice, and if I am wrong, please tell me as gently as I
> have tried to bring up what may be the beginning of a slippery slope.
> Ballendo

Discussion Thread

ballendo@y... 2000-08-22 22:28:56 UTC commercialization of the list? Tim Goldstein 2000-08-22 23:03:21 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] commercialization of the list? mgrady 2000-08-22 23:29:25 UTC commercialization of the list? Alan Marconett KM6VV 2000-08-23 14:35:05 UTC Re: commercialization of the list?