CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

E-Stop was Re: G201 mods/update (P.S.)

Posted by Brian Pitt
on 2000-10-31 00:19:29 UTC
Hi All,

I've seen a very good explanation of the various ways to do an E-Stop
unfortunatly the pdf file is lost on my other hard drive right now :-(

basicly you want to stop all motion as fast as posible (obviously)
but how to do that depends on the type of machine/drive you have
in some cases its removing power from the drive and in others
its to use the drive to brake (under power) and remove power
only after all motion has stopped
in any case hitting "Big Red" should not damage the drive as that
could cause even more trouble (loss of control,runaway motor,etc)

there are several "standards" covering machine safety ,the
problem is finding them and making sense of them once you do
they all seem to be interlaced and refrence each other
but check out these for a start


On Tuesday 31 October 2000 02:31, Ballendo wrote:
> My comments in this thread concern what to do when an EMERGENCY
> situation presents itself. I will gladly trade a drive for a flying
> tool bit(and the damage it can do to a person)or "sliced" finger
> EVERY time.

Discussion Thread

ballendo@y... 2000-10-29 14:30:42 UTC RE: G201 modifications/update Mariss Freimanis 2000-10-29 16:53:57 UTC Re: G201 modifications/update ballendo@y... 2000-10-29 18:39:16 UTC Re: G201 modifications/update ballendo@y... 2000-10-29 18:59:07 UTC Re: G201 modifications/update Jon Elson 2000-10-30 15:35:43 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: G201 modifications/update Mariss Freimanis 2000-10-30 16:22:07 UTC Re: G201 modifications/update Smoke 2000-10-30 16:30:35 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: G201 modifications/update Mariss Freimanis 2000-10-30 17:35:24 UTC Re: G201 modifications/update (P.S.) ballendo@y... 2000-10-30 18:31:22 UTC Re: G201 modifications/update (P.S.) Jon Elson 2000-10-30 21:33:13 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: G201 modifications/update (P.S.) Brian Pitt 2000-10-31 00:19:29 UTC E-Stop was Re: G201 mods/update (P.S.)