CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] re:Compumotor Parts Update

on 2000-11-15 00:28:42 UTC

First I feel as though I should apologize to everybody for wasting their
time with my questions. I am not sure how to address the situation so
everybody benefits from my interest in these parts I inherited from my
uncle. He left all his "shop stuff" to me since I restore cars. I have been
doing my best to try and figure out what the heck it all is and I must tell
you it's been nothing short of a real pain in my...

I have sold some of the things that I inherited on Ebay ( you've noticed the
word "ebay" in my links I'm sure ) and I suspect some of you feel as though
I am using this group as a means for finding out what all this crap is so I
can sell it. Those of you who do are certainly mistaken. My purpose here
Ballendo is to learn about this stuff and perhaps experience the joy's of
it's therapeutic value like my uncle did for years. Perhaps maybe I should
just email you outside the group; except I know there is so much more
knowledge within all the people in it.

To answer a few more of your questions, I can tell you some of the boards
are still being made today and others are not. I have been having trouble
identifying the boards that aren't clearly marked "Compumotor" so I have no
answer about them except that they are old. That's perfectly acceptable for

Here's the part where I truly waste your time. I'm not sure what I want to
build yet. I guess once I feel I have enough of a grasp on what my
possibilities are I'll get more seriuos about it. I'm only starting out
here and my first goal is to see what I have inherited. Maybe I should
participate in the group at a later date when I have more knowledge about
this stuff; like for instance, what is Mariss?


----- Original Message -----
From: <ballendo@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 7:04 PM
Subject: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] re:Compumotor Parts Update

> Brian,
> If you have to ask,...
> A lot of the answer you are looking for depends on two things.
> 1) How did you come to purchase these bds/parts? (really means, WHY
> were they sold/scrapped???)
> 2) Do you trust your experience/ knowledge to fix 'em ? (really means
> WHAT is your goal???)
> I sent you private email before and still believe that is your best
> bet. Answers here are more for things that might also apply to others
> on the CCED list.
> 1) Electronic parts come on the market for a number of reasons. Some
> are "good" reasons (for our usage) and others are "bad" reasons.
> (didn't I just type this a few days ago re: used machines :-)...)
> Some are even BOTH good AND bad! It is good to wait for response from
> Compumotor before deciding your next move. Are these parts outdated/
> rejects/ early revisions/ poor performers??? Is documentation
> available? Replacement parts? Others on the list may be able to
> answer better than I, the usefullness of these specific parts.
> 2) Soldering is a skill, and like all skills, can be learned. Also
> like other skills, it can easily be done poorly. UNLIKE some skills,
> it can "look ok" (to an inexperienced eye) and PERFORM poorly! Are
> you up to the learning curve??? What do you want? Are you looking for
> experience, dollars, parts for your own machine...?
> Two things to consider here. First, many pc bds are manufactured such
> that different parts are placed/ used to accomplish different
> results. (Stepper drives with or without an onboard oscillator are an
> example. Also the Gecko "pulse multiplied" boards, although this is
> the addition of an "auxillary" bd; I don't know if Mariss changes any
> other parts) Second, due to the "human" element of board design and
> implementation, sometimes the parts on a board are changed or removed
> (or "jumper" wires added, sometimes UNDER parts and difficult to find
> or see!) because the board did not work as originally designed.
> So, this may be just a case of "stick in the missing parts", from
> your "inventory"... Or, it could get into a LOT more...
> Good luck.
> Ballendo
> P.S. ONE thing you DO know is that you have a stockpile of parts
> designed to be used in motion control, of some sort. If whole
> drives/bds. don't work out, look to see if some of the PARTS can be
> useful to you (capacitors/ transistors/ steppers/ etc.)
> >Rick I just wanted to post a little update about my Compumotor
> >parts. I finally found out what they all are and have posted pics on
> >the web at I am not sure as to
> >which boards would be the best to use because I have no idea which
> >ones are compatible with each other. Do you or ANYBODY else out
> >there know? I asked compumotor to send me some info on all the
> >boards and should be recieving that in the next week
> >or two. Some of the boards are missing electrical parts and I am
> >curious as to how hard it is to repair them? I have slowly been
> >going through all of my boxes and I have all new parts to fix all
> >repairable boards. (I think I do anyhow because all the new parts
> >are exactly the same as what are on all the boards) Is it something
> >I should pay to have done or should I just go buy some solder and go
> >for it?
> >Brian
> Welcome to CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO@...,an unmoderated list for the
discussion of shop built systems, for CAD, CAM, EDM, and DRO.
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Discussion Thread

Brian 2000-11-14 16:51:43 UTC [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Compumotor Parts Update ballendo@y... 2000-11-14 19:05:48 UTC re:Compumotor Parts Update Brian Williams 2000-11-15 00:24:16 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] re:Compumotor Parts Update Brian Williams 2000-11-15 00:28:35 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] re:Compumotor Parts Update Brian Williams 2000-11-15 00:28:42 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] re:Compumotor Parts Update Alan Marconett KM6VV 2000-11-15 10:59:39 UTC re:Compumotor Parts Update ballendo@y... 2000-11-15 16:08:55 UTC Re: re:rE:Compumotor Parts Update ballendo@y... 2000-11-15 18:45:33 UTC re:Compumotor Parts Update