CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: re:rE:Compumotor Parts Update

Posted by ballendo@y...
on 2000-11-15 16:08:55 UTC
Brian wrote:
>First I feel as though I should apologize to everybody for wasting
>their time with my questions. I am not sure how to address the
>situation so everybody benefits from my interest in these parts I
>inherited from my uncle.<snip>I have been doing my best to try and
>figure out what the heck it all is and I must tell you it's been
>nothing short of a real pain in my...

Thanks for your response. I don't think you are wasting our time!
This group is for learning, and sharing. You seem to fit both!

My "if you have to ask" lead-in was a reference to the big task you
have just explained. NOT that you shouldn't ask... Meaning the set
of parts you have shown us is a LOT of stuff; and anyone except an
expert (who worked for compumotor) is going to struggle through the
same as you are doing.

My original private response was to sell it all in one lot, if
possible, (and I gave you some people to try) and use the money to
buy what you wanted. You said that you were unsure of what you had,
and I feared you would be "cherry picked" (people who buy only the
good stuff, and leave you the junk) by those with more experience,
and left holding the "dogs". Also that the time and shipping costs
would eat your profits and "spare" time.

>and I suspect some of you feel as though I am using this group as
>means for finding out what all this crap is so I can sell it. Those
>of you who do are certainly mistaken.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with this. Who better to ask? (800 people,
doing stuff with motion control!) Might even find some buyers among

>My purpose here Ballendo is to learn about this stuff and perhaps
>experience the joy's of it's therapeutic value like my uncle did for

Good goal, IMO. (In My Opinion) That's what I'm here for too!
Although I also like the money-making aspects...

>To answer a few more of your questions, I can tell you some of the
>boards are still being made today and others are not. I have been
>having trouble identifying the boards that aren't clearly
>marked "Compumotor" so I have no answer about them except that they
>are old. That's perfectly acceptable for me.

This is where that expert help comes in...

>I'm not sure what I want to build yet. I guess once I feel I have
>enough of a grasp on what my possibilies are I'll get more serious
>about it. I'm only only starting out here and my first goal is to
>see what I have inherited.

Makes sense. This is why I said it was good to wait for the parker
compumotor response. Also why I tried to reassure you that at the
very least, you have parts intended for motion control of some sort.

>Maybe I should participate in the group at a later date when I have
>more knowledge about this stuff; like for instance, what is Mariss?

One of the leaders in the modern "wooden boat" revival (Sam Rabl,
John Gardner, Jon Wilson, etc.) said, "Experience starts when you
begin..." So don't wait until you know all the answers to try to
find all the answers :-) . As I've posted before, we're ALL "newbies"
at SOMETHING! Welcome aboard.

Mariss is the first name of a gentleman who participates in our list
discussions, and just happens to be the owner of GeckoDrive (a motor
drive company). He is an EE (electrical engineer) and has created
some exciting products which members of our group are using with
excellent results.

Hope this helps.


Discussion Thread

Brian 2000-11-14 16:51:43 UTC [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Compumotor Parts Update ballendo@y... 2000-11-14 19:05:48 UTC re:Compumotor Parts Update Brian Williams 2000-11-15 00:24:16 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] re:Compumotor Parts Update Brian Williams 2000-11-15 00:28:35 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] re:Compumotor Parts Update Brian Williams 2000-11-15 00:28:42 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] re:Compumotor Parts Update Alan Marconett KM6VV 2000-11-15 10:59:39 UTC re:Compumotor Parts Update ballendo@y... 2000-11-15 16:08:55 UTC Re: re:rE:Compumotor Parts Update ballendo@y... 2000-11-15 18:45:33 UTC re:Compumotor Parts Update