CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

re: CNC keybd usage

Posted by ballendo@y...
on 2000-11-24 14:08:52 UTC

Thank you for the details.

Two thoughts.

1) Expression evaluation is a GREAT feature! To really do it right,
takes a lot of code/thought! Fortunately, EMC source is FREE! And Tom
wrote the "expression evaluation" engine in a "stand-alone module"
way! It's in the 274NGC source.

2) mouse vs. keyboard? For INEXPERIENCED operators, the point and
click will win nearly every time. For EXPERIENCED operators, the
keyboard will win nearly every time. The most frustrating thing is
requiring the operator to shift modes (keys, to mouse, back to keys;
or mouse, press a key, back to mouse) back and forth arbitrarily. I'm
sure most of us have experienced this with some "late model" software!
2a)inexperienced or experienced with respect to THIS particular app!

The implementation of a full cnc program in 20 keys will
REQUIRE "chording" or "softkeys"(function keys, scrollable list, etc.)

If I were you, I'd focus on the PC first, with an "eye" to how what
you're doing will "condense" later. That way, you can get it "out
there" without special hardware costs and implementation; and learn
what needs to be "fixed". THEN, implement the "Pendant"!

Hope this helps.


Discussion Thread

ballendo@y... 2000-11-24 14:08:52 UTC re: CNC keybd usage r_fl_z@h... 2000-11-24 15:35:19 UTC Re: CNC keybd usage Alan Marconett KM6VV 2000-11-24 18:35:58 UTC re: CNC keybd usage