Re: Re:Servos in EMC and the probe
Posted by
Dan Mauch
on 1999-07-17 06:45:14 UTC
the 3 motors would be $450 + 17 s/h the PCB is $40 but I discount it to $25
for a total of $492
Send Check or money order to cover the merchandise and shipping to:
Camtronics Inc
18230 130th PL NE
Bothell, WA 98011-3118
-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Werby <drewid@...>
To: <>
Date: Friday, July 16, 1999 10:57 AM
Subject: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re:Servos in EMC and the probe
for a total of $492
Send Check or money order to cover the merchandise and shipping to:
Camtronics Inc
18230 130th PL NE
Bothell, WA 98011-3118
-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Werby <drewid@...>
To: <>
Date: Friday, July 16, 1999 10:57 AM
Subject: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re:Servos in EMC and the probe
>From: Andrew Werby <drewid@...>.100"
>Message: 18
> Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 23:37:41 -0600
> From: "Tim Goldstein" <timg@...>
>Subject: RE: EMC-programming request
>As long as we are making request, I will put mine in also:
>1 - Backlash compensation for steppers
>2 - Read the Kulaga/Mauch DRO board for feedback input to created a closed
>loop stepper
>[Denver, CO]
>To this I might add a request to support the pic-servo board. I enquired
>about the compatability of their board with EMC, (still trying to figure
>out a retrofit for my big servo mill) but Jeff Kerr replied there were no
>suitable driver options that he knew of, and suggested going the
>step/direction route instead, or using Flashcut.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Dan Falck <dfalck@...>
>> I have a request for the programmers who are working on EMC (Fred, Will,
>> etc...):
>> Would it be possible to make a probe (CMM type) software interface with
>> XEMC? It would be great to be able to digitize a part in XEMC and then
>> output a basic x,y,z coordinate file. It would be nice to make a teach
>> mode for it at the very least.
>> I would like to be able to write a G-code program that would move in
>> increments over a part, slowly lower the spindle, touch the part with adiscussion of shop built systems in the above catagories.
>> crude microswitch rigged probe, stop spindle movement, record the
>> position,
>> and move on...
>> Dan
>[MaxNC sells a device like this which I own, a probe which fits in the
>spindle which picks up the z axis when it runs into something. I must
>confess I haven't gotten along with it too well. It does plot points at
>about .10" intervals, but it arranges them as a series of line segments
>.10" long stuck together end-to-end along one long meandering path, which
>is a difficult thing to deal with. The Visual Basic software isn't much fun
>to use either. (If somebody out there is a programmer with some time on
>their hands, I'd love to see a program that would address these
>If you're thinking of doing something like this, realize the "slowly
>lowering" mode is going to eat up time in an already slow process. Some
>other things to consider might be connecting the dots in one curve,
>stopping the curve when it changes direction, and providing a way to
>integrate passes in the cross direction to make a curve network, which
>defines the geometry better than a series of parallel curves, and which
>Rhino can use to build a surface.]
>Andrew Werby
>Andrew Werby - United Artworks
>Sculpture, Jewelry, and Other Art Stuff
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Discussion Thread
Andrew Werby
1999-07-16 02:49:23 UTC
Re:Servos in EMC and the probe
Dan Mauch
1999-07-17 06:45:14 UTC
Re: Re:Servos in EMC and the probe