CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

DesKAM 2000 vs. CNC Pro

Posted by Stan Zdonick
on 2000-11-27 13:15:59 UTC
I'm looking for a good, low cost, CNC control program that works with a
step-direction controller. I have seen good things said about CNC Pro and
DesKAM 2000. Which is the best solution for a CNC newbie? Is there
another program I should consider?

It seems to me that a Windows based program wouldn't be a good idea for CNC
but DesKAM has gotten a good review. I use Intellicad 2000 so I can output
dxf for conversion to g-code, if needed.

I will eventually be buying a probe to interface to the system for 3D scanning.

I need something simple, but yet, I don't want to outgrow it either!

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Discussion Thread

Stan Zdonick 2000-11-27 13:15:59 UTC DesKAM 2000 vs. CNC Pro Joe Vicars 2000-11-27 13:21:57 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] DesKAM 2000 vs. CNC Pro Stan Zdonick 2000-11-27 13:31:34 UTC RE: DesKAM 2000 vs. CNC Pro Dan Mauch 2000-11-28 07:32:23 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] DesKAM 2000 vs. CNC Pro