CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Drive Motor Pics uploaded to files area on egroups

Posted by daveland@n...
on 2000-12-05 16:03:09 UTC
I have not disappeared, but I have been busy. I just got the mount
finished for my spidle drive motor on the supermax mill. I ran it
and took the first manual cuts. Bearings sound great and the cuts
have a good surface finish.

Go to the files section for cad_cam_edm_dro on egroups. Try the
link below and check out the pics.


2HP motor driving a 1:1 HD belt to the spindle.

5HP (three phase 220V) inverter derated to 220V 2HP single phase

Remote keypad sets speed and direction. incl dynmamic breaking.

Slow but sure , I'll get it going


Discussion Thread

daveland@n... 2000-12-05 16:03:09 UTC Drive Motor Pics uploaded to files area on egroups Wally K 2000-12-05 20:22:48 UTC Re: Drive Motor Pics uploaded to files area on egroups