CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Software 2d 2.5d 3d PCB

Posted by bbryce@e...
on 2000-12-08 11:33:34 UTC
Hello folks,
Over the past Months I have developed a easy to use CNC programm.
This program takes a line drawing and mills each line, cutting
different lines to different depths. I use it extensivly with Corel
Draw to make little door plates and prototypes for jewlery.

It operates as follows:
imports HPGL (.PLT) file
re-organises it to minimise tool chnages
perviews mill paths on screen.
Cuts desierd path stopping if desired for tool changes.

It is a fairly simple DOS application.
It can be configured(in software) for any paralell port pin

I would be very interested in giving it to anyone who works in 2d (or
would like to cut different hights according to different colours)
I have not tested it with Autocad hpgl. Perhaps someone could send me
one or two small hpgl files generated by autocad. It is limited as
yet to 32000 steps.

Bernard Bryce.

Discussion Thread

bbryce@e... 2000-12-08 11:33:34 UTC Software 2d 2.5d 3d PCB Smoke 2000-12-08 11:51:15 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Software 2d 2.5d 3d PCB