CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] cybermat /Arago robotics

Posted by Brian Pitt
on 2000-12-12 01:20:49 UTC
Hi Luke,

I've never heard of it until today BUT I'm not bad with a search engine
you've been looking for this for awhile havent you :-)

you might try
Dr.Richard Wane Wall
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
University of Idaho
his home page with email address is

from a look at his vitae
June-August 1992, ARAGO Robotics Inc., Anchorage Alaska. Work
responsibilities: Design of a six axis robot with one axis position feedback
using an Intel i80C196KD processor. Design responsibilities included
development of a real-time operating system for the 80C196, hardware design
of the processor board and design of the multiprocessor protocol.

even if he dosent have the information himself
he should be able to put you in touch with someone


Discussion Thread

lpwerner@m... 2000-12-12 00:24:16 UTC cybermat /Arago robotics Brian Pitt 2000-12-12 01:20:49 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] cybermat /Arago robotics