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Application using EMC Software, a few questions

on 1999-08-03 10:11:07 UTC
Hi there,
I am pretty new with the EMC software and maybe my questions will sounds
ridiculos for many of you guys, but for sure your answers will help me a
I would like to use, with academic purposes, the EMC software. My first
idea is to use Linux (in fact Red Hat) with the RTLinux extension. The
application have the following headlines:
- 3 Axis Robot (Servomotors)
- Feedback system using incremental encoders
- The application is in the field of Light Assembly industry (in fact
Final assembly of electronics production). In this kind of applications
we don't have so many discrete I/Os (around 20 per machine). We need
interpolation (arc and circular) for the motion control of the 3 axis.
My first and vital question comes with the motion controller card, i
know about the Servo-to-GO motion control card (by the way thanks Tim
for your early answer), but do you have any experience using another
card?. We have kind of experience with the DSP series from MEI or Delta
Tau but they have a DSP chip and so far i think that is not needed using
the EMC software.
We have kind of experience with Hyperkernel from Nematron Corp.
(formerly Imagination Systems) RT extension for NT, I have read from the
EMC web that the software has not ported to Hyperkernel, but is there
any activity going on in this direction?
Thank you very much in advance, and i am really sorry for the extension
of the mail, i will try to be shorter next time,

"Things should be as simple as possible, but not simpler."
-A. Einstein
Jose Luis Martinez Lastra
Institute of Production Engineering
Tampere University of Technology
P.O. Box 589, FIN-33101 Tampere-FINLAND
Tel. +358-(0)50-5723545 Fax. +358-(0)3-3652753

Discussion Thread

Jose Luis Martinez Lastra 1999-08-03 10:11:07 UTC Application using EMC Software, a few questions Jose Luis Martinez Lastra 1999-09-09 08:40:10 UTC Re: Application using EMC Software, a few questions Fred Proctor 1999-09-09 11:52:41 UTC Re: Application using EMC Software, a few questions Carles Perello 1999-09-10 00:53:32 UTC Re: Application using EMC Software, a few questions