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Re: Application using EMC Software, a few questions

on 1999-09-09 08:40:10 UTC
For: EMC gurus,
Can i make work EMC for handling digital I/Os through the parallel port?, how can i programm the algorithms there (in the EMC
enviroment), can i use the graphic EMC for visualization the results?
Maybe it sounds ridiculus for whole of you, but i really don't know or don't understand the main points of how this (EMC) works,
i found out a lot of information but, in fact, very orientated to the NC machine use (programming G code), i found also
information telling about how to program the parallel prot but i don't know if i am using the EMC enviroment or no. I would like
just test a few discrete programs and in the future to add some servomotor for be programmed from the EMC motion part, and i i
will be lucky to integrate the logic and motion program of a small cartesian robot, does it sound stupid? any experience?
Thank you very much and i hope to get your ideas/answers,

"Things should be as simple as possible, but not simpler."
-A. Einstein
Jose Luis Martinez Lastra
Institute of Production Engineering
Tampere University of Technology
P.O. Box 589, FIN-33101 Tampere-FINLAND
Tel. +358-(0)50-5723545 Fax. +358-(0)3-3652753

Discussion Thread

Jose Luis Martinez Lastra 1999-08-03 10:11:07 UTC Application using EMC Software, a few questions Jose Luis Martinez Lastra 1999-09-09 08:40:10 UTC Re: Application using EMC Software, a few questions Fred Proctor 1999-09-09 11:52:41 UTC Re: Application using EMC Software, a few questions Carles Perello 1999-09-10 00:53:32 UTC Re: Application using EMC Software, a few questions