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re:EBAY Price Gouging CNC Router!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by ballendo@y...
on 2001-01-29 19:57:33 UTC

I agree. Unfair bidding practices at an auction are very offensive!
It is ALSO true that they USUALLY exist, at one time or another, on
MOST, if not ALL, auctions. Rather than feel 'tarnished' re: ebay;
how about letting them know? They clearly do not want this sort of
thing to happen...

BUT... The case for price GOUGING??? The 4x4 router sells
(supposedly) for more than the winning bid! I do think it smells like
a shill, but the price is still below STANDARD...

How is that gouging? Although it is misrepresentation, from the
auction standpoint.


>Here is the bid history on the CNC router on EBAY. This looks like a
>blatant case of price gouging to me. I don't know how you guy's feel
>about this but it is very offensive to me especially since it looks
>like some "innocent" guy is shucking out 3000 bucks for one!!!
>Buyer BEWARE, my vision of EBAY is now tarnished.

Discussion Thread

Joe Vicars 2001-01-29 05:32:56 UTC EBAY Price Gouging CNC Router!!!!!!!!!!!!! Les Watts 2001-01-29 06:03:42 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] EBAY Price Gouging CNC Router!!!!!!!!!!!!! LtCdr ChonBey vestai-Qul 2001-01-29 08:57:02 UTC Re: EBAY Price Gouging CNC Router!!!!!!!!!!!!! ballendo@y... 2001-01-29 19:57:33 UTC re:EBAY Price Gouging CNC Router!!!!!!!!!!!!!