Di-Acro , was CNC Box Brake
Posted by
Steve Stallings
on 2001-02-08 10:08:11 UTC
Di-Acro has arisen from the dead. They have spun out
of Strippit and can now be found at:
Steve Stallings
of Strippit and can now be found at:
Steve Stallings
> Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2001 15:40:50 -0600
> From: Jon Elson <jmelson@...>
> Subject: Re: CNC Box Brake
> Joe Vicars wrote:
> > Can anyone help me find literature on a Di-Acro
> number 2, 18" box
> > brake?
> > The CNC is just to keep it on topic.
> Di Acro has been out of business for MANY years. I know they were
> current in 1969, where a shop had a new one. I haven't
> seen any much
> later than that. But, there are a huge number of these
> smaller, bench-top
> sheet metal machines out there, somewhere. I don't believe
> any other
> company bought out the rights to the line, so as far as I know there
> is no factory to get parts and manuals from.
> Jon