CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive


Posted by Tim Goldstein
on 2001-03-14 12:32:36 UTC
We are probably off subject unless we are planning to use it with CNC, but
here goes.

A CO2 laser is not very complex unless you are looking for high power. While
DC is the preferred power source they will run just fine on AC if you accept
that the optics will need to be replaced sooner. Many experimenter type CO2
lasers are powered with a 12 - 15 KV 30 - 60 MA neon sign transformer hooked
to a variac. This will work up to about a 3 ft plasma chamber. Expected
power output is 30 - 40 watts per meter of plasma. Going to a higher power
density leads to faster flow, higher pressures, and complicated power

Can it be built at home, sure can and you can even do it without machine
shop equipment but it will sure make it easier. You can create a DC power
supply with a bunch of standard diodes to form a bridge and a bunch of off
the shelf high voltage caps in series. May not be the recommended method,
but I have seen it done successfully.

Some good info can be gotten to from my page at Some nice pictures of home built
lasers can be found at

[Denver, CO]

> Jon, and the other laser experts:
> I hope I am not amiss in shortening the thread title, but it
> really seems
> like you all are now talking about lasers, not high pressure water jet
> cutting anymore.
> I have stayed out of this thread because I know nothing about
> lasers, except
> some very basic theory.
> Can people really put together laser systems in their home shops?
> I have heard that the power supply needs are really
> challenging. Large
> capacitors etc. Can big capacitors be homemade if the
> physical size of the
> system is not an important factor?
> How much do you think would it cost to be able to do
> engraving in wood, or
> build a 50 or 100 watt system like the one you saw, Jon?
> Although I love creative machinery, I am not sure I could
> market the things
> it could do anyway, but I thought I would ask the above
> questions anyway.
> Tom Eldredge
> FAQ:

Discussion Thread

Tim Goldstein 2001-03-14 12:32:36 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Laser Woody 2001-03-15 06:12:09 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Laser davemucha@j... 2001-03-15 20:16:30 UTC Re: Laser cadman@p... 2001-03-15 20:26:41 UTC GeckoDrive & Mariss... What a fantastic Guy!!! John Murphy 2001-03-15 21:06:51 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] GeckoDrive & Mariss... What a fantastic Guy!!!