CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Jiffy Metal Disintegrator

on 2001-04-08 19:09:04 UTC
bheuver@... wrote:
> Another acquisition was a Vintage ('66 I think) Jiffy Metal
> Disintegrator. This is an old tap burner, that consists of a
> vibrating head you hold in a drill chuck, a power supply, and collant
> pump. The head vibrates at 60 HZ, and holds a hollow Molybdenum
> electrode. The coolant flows through the electrode, to flush away
> chips.

Typical tap burner. These things don't wear out. I remember a
salesman showing one (or similar) to our shop where I used to
work about 15 years ago. It was priced at $4500. I'd say you
have a winner and something that should be left as-is. I'd love
to have one, if I had the space (typical lament).


Discussion Thread

bheuver@f... 2001-04-08 19:02:49 UTC Jiffy Metal Disintegrator Jerry Kimberlin 2001-04-08 19:09:04 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Jiffy Metal Disintegrator