CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: More CAF...

Posted by Bertho Boman
on 1999-09-03 08:46:15 UTC
I think a joystick would be a good addition but I am sure you will be asked to do both.... The encoder-handwheel has a familiar

With the joystick, I think that one need a menu option to enable and disable the joystick so nothing bad happens if pushed by
mistake. Two mode are also probably required: "position speed" and "cutting speed".

Is it practical and possible to toggle the joystick Y-axis to Z and then use it for up down while in position to drill or cut
down. Using on/off buttons for the Z does not sound good. In other words, use regular joystick x-y to get to the desired
position, then push a button and now the same joystick with swapped Y & Z is used for up-down.

Bertho Boman
Vinland Corporation

Fred Proctor wrote:

> I've been asked many times to support using a handwheel encoder, which
> could be put on the unused 4th axis encoder input if you have a 4-axis
> STG board and a typical 3-axis mill.
> My thoughts on this would be to selectively slave one of the three axes
> to the 4th axis encoder, so that the 4th axis encoder would serve as the
> input to the PID on the slaved axis. Then, as you moved the handwheel,
> the slaved axis would follow it. Varying the scaling on the 4th axis
> encoder input would allow for varying sensitivity. It gets tricky since
> you have to make sure the slaved axis doesn't jump when it gets slaved
> and de-slaved. Has anyone done anything like this?
> I have used a $9.99 PC joystick to move the EMC around. The stick
> controls the XY motion and the buttons control Z. Would anyone want
> this? I would put it in the xemc, which could sense the presence of a
> joystick and default to normal behavior if none were present.
> --Fred

Discussion Thread

Arne Chr. Jorgensen 1999-09-02 17:20:22 UTC More CAF... Fred Proctor 1999-09-03 06:37:00 UTC Re: More CAF... Bertho Boman 1999-09-03 08:46:15 UTC Re: More CAF... Ian W. Wright 1999-09-03 02:39:36 UTC Re: More CAF... Jon Elson 1999-09-03 15:53:21 UTC Re: More CAF... Tim Goldstein 1999-09-03 15:11:55 UTC Re: More CAF... Jon Elson 1999-09-03 22:41:50 UTC Re: More CAF... Ian W. Wright 1999-09-04 03:20:36 UTC Re: More CAF... Andrew Werby 1999-09-04 02:37:31 UTC Re: More CAF...