CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Pinout for Shopmaster Servo2000 controller input connector

Posted by henry@j...
on 2001-06-14 17:15:47 UTC
Thanks Dan for the info.

An update on my original inquiry...

> I have recently purchased a Shopmaster Eldorado with CNC servo
> and am having some trouble getting the servos to move in a coherent
> fashion.
> A couple of calls and emails to the supplier (Advanced Innovation)
> and a couple of emails to Shoptask requesting the pinout for the
> parallel input connector to the Servo200 controller have yielded
> zip...

Bill Wainwright at Innovative Automation did attempt to get me the
information but had difficulty in getting a successful reply to my
request. We talked this afternoon and he was very helpful.

Turns out that in an attempt at making a "clean" installation of the
equipment, I have tightly bundled the servo power and encoder cables
together which is apparently coupling the DC power noise into the
encoder feedback etc...

I will unbundle the cables and try again.

Again, thank you Dan and thank you Bill at Innovative for getting back
with the information.


Discussion Thread

henry@j... 2001-06-14 00:32:17 UTC Pinout for Shopmaster Servo2000 controller input connector Dan Mauch 2001-06-14 06:32:32 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Pinout for Shopmaster Servo2000 controller input connector henry@j... 2001-06-14 17:15:47 UTC Re: Pinout for Shopmaster Servo2000 controller input connector