CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

motives? was Re: MDF for machines

Posted by ballendo@y...
on 2001-06-27 15:47:22 UTC

I don't believe this is good advice. We had BETTER be trying to
analyze the motives of the people giving information here! Otherwise
we may be led towards something very inappropriate to OUR needs.

Anybody can be an "expert" on the internet. It is only through
the "sifting" of multiple replies that the strength and breadth and
limits of what any individual is offering becomes TRULY apparent.

Even those who have great expertise have limits to their knowledge.
And reasons for sharing it! It is human nature to "protect" the ego.
As The King of Siam sang: (in the R&H musical, "The King and I", song
is "puzzlement")

"When a man is unsure of what he knows; very quickly will he
fight, he'll fight, to prove that what he does Not know,
IS so..."

There are most definitely those here who are trying to keep up with
the Jones's. And it's okay...

Hope this helps.


P.S. Although I was named in the response you snipped, I don't think
it had anything to do with ME, personally. He was simply saying that
he agreed that we don't have to be bound by someone else's idea of
what is "right". And THAT was in response to the earlier assertion by
another list member that "aluminum" machines ARE "mickey mouse".

This same member sent a "no comment" response to my post about
building machines using MDF. Now I think it is important to filter
this individuals' response with the information that he is working
daily with large machinery made of cast iron, and has spent
(according to another thread) literally HUNDREDS of hours
reconditioning cast iron surfaces by hand scraping...

You can bet I'm going to continue trying to analyse these and others'
motives... Always remembering that I/we do not need to judge THEM,
only their input to our needs...

--- In CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO@y..., "Tom Eldredge" <harmonyt@r...> wrote:
>This is a great list. Let us try to refrain from trying to analyze
>our fellow contributors' motives. I don't think there is enough
>evidence to indicate that anyone is trying "to keep up with the
>Joneses". People approach things from different perspectives that
>have proven to be valuable to them. I do not remember a poll on
>this subject, and I hope we don't start one.
> Press on!
> T.E.
> Original message:
> > "Okay, to each his own. "
> >
> > My vote goes to --------. There is such a thing as
> > appropriate technology. Why drive a Ferrari when a
> > People's Wagon will do as well if not better. We
> > should tailor the equipment to the task and the
> > requirement and not just try to keep up with the Jones
> > (any on the list?)

Discussion Thread

Peter Chen 2001-06-26 18:18:39 UTC MDF for machines Tom Eldredge 2001-06-27 11:31:36 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] MDF for machines ballendo@y... 2001-06-27 15:47:22 UTC motives? was Re: MDF for machines cadcamcenter@y... 2001-06-27 16:44:09 UTC motives? was Re: MDF for machines