CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Enco Mill (9x49) XY ballscrew cradle???

Posted by jpmadden@g...
on 2001-07-14 17:19:47 UTC

Does anyone have information about an X/Y ballscrew attachment
housing for an Enco 9"x49" mill. The assembly which captures the X
and Y ballnuts and attaches to the saddle.

The Bridgeport Series 1 casting is about 1" too short in center to
center distance between the ballscrews. It is made of cast iron.

I am in the middle of my first conversion and any help is greatly


Discussion Thread

jpmadden@g... 2001-07-14 17:19:47 UTC Enco Mill (9x49) XY ballscrew cradle??? Jon Elson 2001-07-14 17:58:14 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Enco Mill (9x49) XY ballscrew cradle???