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EMC installed...finally...

Posted by stratton@x...
on 1999-09-23 11:23:27 UTC
Well after about 6 hours of hacking I got a computer setup
with Redhat 5.2, rtlinux, and EMC and finally got it to bring
up the control panel.

Couple things I learned:

RedHat 5.2 CD apparently bombs just as it starts copying packages when
using a boot floppy from 6.0

Release9J.tgz doesn't seem to be on the nist ftp server. Altavista
found me a copy somewhere in France, but it was in an "obsolete"
directory. Are newer versions of rtlinux supported?

EMC needs most all of the development packages that redhat offers as
options, including ncurses and X development. Otherwise compiling the
code (which is that last thing the install script does) will fail with
various less than obvious no such command or no such file errors. You
may automatically get all the needed packages if you choose the
"workstation" install configuration, but I had other partitions I
wanted to preserve so I couldn't do that. Would be really nice to
have EMC as an RPM with built in dependencies on everything it needs.
For that matter, the idea of hacking together a complete distro based
on the ftp version of redhat 5.2 looks attractive.

The motion module will hard crash the machine if the shared memory
pointer is not set correctly... Obvious, but worth remembering ;-)


PS - do I really need 32 megs of ram? The machine I'd like to use in
the shop (as opposed to the box I'm playing with at the moment) used
to run linux and X fine with its 16 megs... in fact I originally had 8.

Christopher C. Stratton, stratton@...
Engineer, Instrument Maker & Horn Player
(978)538-5179 work, (617)492-3358 home
30 Griswold Street Cambridge, MA 02138

Discussion Thread

stratton@x... 1999-09-23 11:23:27 UTC EMC installed...finally... Jon Elson 1999-09-23 13:02:33 UTC Re: EMC installed...finally...