CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: EMC Setup Question - Axis Enable

Posted by Ray
on 2001-08-04 19:36:37 UTC
From: "Carl Lance" <carl@...>

>Very excited! First time with EMC, installed ok, got it out of ESTOP, even
>got one axis (Y) operating with JOG. Unfortunately, the other two (X and
>Z) are not operational.

Carl, congratulations on the successful install!

>I suspect that it's because my stepper driver hardware (SP3 from
> requires an axis enable signal (active LO) on pins 14,
>16, 17 (C1, C2, C3) for each axis. Pins C1 and C3 are inverted by hardware
>and are thus not working.

This sounds like a correct analysis of the problem. The standard stepper
parport definitions assign motor signals to all of these outputs.

>Is there an "axis enable" output in EMC,


>or must I try to jumper things on
>the board. It does not, unfortunately, offer a jumper or connector, I
>would have to mess with a soldering iron to make it work, I think.....

Yes. This is a common problem. It might be possible for you or someone
who knows a little C programming to modify the parport definition in the
emc to accomodate these boards. You could also snip wires in the parport
cable but interupting the circuit board traces and running jumpers is
probably the quickest solution.



Discussion Thread

Carl Lance 2001-08-04 07:50:41 UTC EMC Setup Question - Axis Enable Ray 2001-08-04 19:36:37 UTC Re: EMC Setup Question - Axis Enable carl@l... 2001-08-05 15:00:35 UTC Re: EMC Setup Question - Axis Enable