Harley Logo
Posted by
on 2001-08-26 14:49:14 UTC
In an post on another list someone was asking about a Harley Logo.
I've put the DXF file and the .TAP toolfile on my website
The links are:-
The toolfile is for a logo about 6" high with a clearance hight of
0.130" and a cut depth of 50 thou. You will need to add all the
start / stop routines for your machine.
This is a drawn logo and not a scanned one so it's all lines and arcs
and not all short lines.
Feel free to do with this as you please.
Have fun
I've put the DXF file and the .TAP toolfile on my website
The links are:-
The toolfile is for a logo about 6" high with a clearance hight of
0.130" and a cut depth of 50 thou. You will need to add all the
start / stop routines for your machine.
This is a drawn logo and not a scanned one so it's all lines and arcs
and not all short lines.
Feel free to do with this as you please.
Have fun
Discussion Thread
2001-08-26 14:49:14 UTC
Harley Logo
William Scalione
2001-08-26 16:26:17 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Harley Logo