CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Redhat 5.2

Posted by Ernst Aardal
on 1999-10-11 23:02:16 UTC
I have used several days now trying to install a linux 5.2 so that I can run
the EMC. I have downloaded the redhat 5.2 but I am not able to get it
installed on my mackine. It is not possible to get it installed from the CD
so I copied it into a 1MB partision on my harddisk. The rest of 5MB is free
for linux. The program tells me that: it do not look like a redhat disk.
Does anybody know about a ISO image of the 5.2 version? or does
anybody know what to do?

Discussion Thread

Ernst Aardal 1999-10-11 23:02:16 UTC Redhat 5.2 WBHINKLE@x... 1999-10-12 22:05:36 UTC Re: Redhat 5.2