CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Dolphin and area clear

Posted by machines@n...
on 2001-10-10 16:19:47 UTC
Area Clear.
If you go to :-
and open this file you will see the Dolphin CAM window with a jig
Very simple part consisting of an outer shape, an inner sealing
groove and four location slots all of different depths.
The drawing was made 'in the flat' just the seven shapes. They can be
drawn in any order and any direction.
When they are selected as a profile you give them a name and a depth
and in this case the four slots have been allocated to a seperate
group. Then move onto the CAM side.
In this tool window you can see that an 8 mm cutter has been
selected. In the operations window you can see the tool has been
selected and speed and feed added. Next operation is the groove. The
outer groove has been selected with the inner groove defined as an
island. Thats it. It will then machine this groove to full depth.
Next operation is Slot 1. This is then machined to the required depth
but because we put all the slots in one group and in the options box
we have ticked " Machine all contours with the same group number "
the program will go on to machine the other three slots without even
having to name them.
It will also machine these slots to the different depths required.
This again shows just how simple and powerful Dolphin is.

John Stevenson.

Discussion Thread

machines@n... 2001-10-10 16:19:47 UTC Dolphin and area clear