CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive


Posted by Marcus & Eva
on 2001-10-29 08:38:09 UTC
Hi Johnno:
Have you looked at Featurecam from Engineering Geometry Systems?
It's the easiest CAM software I have driven.
You can download demos from the net.
Don't know the web address offhand, but it's worth a look.

-----Original Message-----
From: FIK <vrojas@...>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, October 28, 2001 8:21 PM
Subject: Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] RAMS Software

>Real simply has anyone used or is using Rhino? I watched a guy in two
>minutes do a drawing I spent five hours on, no exagewratiopn two minutes
>it had all kinds of neat perspectives and stuff, I think though it was kind
>of expensive, they told me the story about the gys leavibng the compnay and
>starting their oown easier to use software but none of it is easy to me. I
>downloaded a thing called Multi link as it was on EBay about 25% of cost,
>looked like it might be the answer for us EMCO guys, I tried it for several
>hoours yesterday, the demo download version. It will do this I know, It
>configures simple to emco speak. But lke Bobcad it won't give you a shot to
>explore for any program that is not in the right extension. BOBCAD so far
>stinks, if the file I am looking for does not have an extension that BOBCAD
>uses you can't even get to it from a BOBCAD directory MULTILINK same thing,
>What it said it does is convert programs from one format to whatever you
>want, Hard to tell, I know the demo does let me recieve a fle from the F1,
>so I can them maybe have a file in the right format that EMCO machine likes
>that I can print and compare ubntil I can set up VECTOR or some other
>useable software to draw a program in and get the conig right for the
>That feature of mutilink works, it wll acuallt read in almost on its own
>from my EMCO, BOBCAD won't, Nothiing so far I have tried would handshaloe
>with the RS232. No plug here, I also have a grwoing pile of new CAD
>software. I had an $8,000 version of Surfcam which I found the hardest to
>use of all of them. Impossible almost.
>The EDM shop I use in Seattle uses a secret software they won't tell me
>it is, but they do everything and I do know it is some thirty year ld DOS
>based thing that they more or less rewrote to their needs. Wouldn't share
>it, but I watched them draw my part I was having made in fifteen minutes,
>pretty complex litle part with several radii and holes, all in super hard
>tool steel. Well worth the money, Ho Yeah back to the question
>Is anyone using Rhino and is it just a CAM deal or does it CAD also? JOhnno
>( I was asked to identify myself as a different John as there a lot of
>John's on here and it gets confusing, so that name is specific to this
>you won't hear anyone call me that or refer to me that way, just aim to
>please is all)
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Discussion Thread

smoke@t... 2001-10-28 17:23:04 UTC RAMS Software Horizons 2001-10-28 18:30:06 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] RAMS Software FIK 2001-10-28 20:21:01 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] RAMS Software S.L.Ramsay 2001-10-28 21:00:49 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] RAMS Software Marcus & Eva 2001-10-29 08:35:05 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] RAMS Software Marcus & Eva 2001-10-29 08:38:09 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] RAMS Software smoke@t... 2001-10-29 09:44:17 UTC Re: RAMS Software