CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive


Posted by FIK
on 2001-10-28 20:21:01 UTC
Real simply has anyone used or is using Rhino? I watched a guy in two
minutes do a drawing I spent five hours on, no exagewratiopn two minutes and
it had all kinds of neat perspectives and stuff, I think though it was kind
of expensive, they told me the story about the gys leavibng the compnay and
starting their oown easier to use software but none of it is easy to me. I
downloaded a thing called Multi link as it was on EBay about 25% of cost,
looked like it might be the answer for us EMCO guys, I tried it for several
hoours yesterday, the demo download version. It will do this I know, It
configures simple to emco speak. But lke Bobcad it won't give you a shot to
explore for any program that is not in the right extension. BOBCAD so far
stinks, if the file I am looking for does not have an extension that BOBCAD
uses you can't even get to it from a BOBCAD directory MULTILINK same thing,
What it said it does is convert programs from one format to whatever you
want, Hard to tell, I know the demo does let me recieve a fle from the F1,
so I can them maybe have a file in the right format that EMCO machine likes
that I can print and compare ubntil I can set up VECTOR or some other
useable software to draw a program in and get the conig right for the RS232.
That feature of mutilink works, it wll acuallt read in almost on its own
from my EMCO, BOBCAD won't, Nothiing so far I have tried would handshaloe
with the RS232. No plug here, I also have a grwoing pile of new CAD
software. I had an $8,000 version of Surfcam which I found the hardest to
use of all of them. Impossible almost.

The EDM shop I use in Seattle uses a secret software they won't tell me what
it is, but they do everything and I do know it is some thirty year ld DOS
based thing that they more or less rewrote to their needs. Wouldn't share
it, but I watched them draw my part I was having made in fifteen minutes,
pretty complex litle part with several radii and holes, all in super hard
tool steel. Well worth the money, Ho Yeah back to the question

Is anyone using Rhino and is it just a CAM deal or does it CAD also? JOhnno
( I was asked to identify myself as a different John as there a lot of
John's on here and it gets confusing, so that name is specific to this list,
you won't hear anyone call me that or refer to me that way, just aim to
please is all)

Discussion Thread

smoke@t... 2001-10-28 17:23:04 UTC RAMS Software Horizons 2001-10-28 18:30:06 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] RAMS Software FIK 2001-10-28 20:21:01 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] RAMS Software S.L.Ramsay 2001-10-28 21:00:49 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] RAMS Software Marcus & Eva 2001-10-29 08:35:05 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] RAMS Software Marcus & Eva 2001-10-29 08:38:09 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] RAMS Software smoke@t... 2001-10-29 09:44:17 UTC Re: RAMS Software