Re: Drill file from Eagle PCB
Posted by
on 2001-11-14 03:03:23 UTC
Save the file as a PLT file. Put it in KellyCam to scale
and offset it. KCam works free for awhile. You can also use ACE
from Yeager to make the GCode more effecient.
Save the file as a PLT file. Put it in KellyCam to scale
and offset it. KCam works free for awhile. You can also use ACE
from Yeager to make the GCode more effecient.
--- In CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO@y..., zsradding@b... wrote:
> I am having a difficult time generating a g-code file that I can use
> to drill a PCB I created in Eagle 4.05. I have tried every output
> device option, but I can't get a file that is scaled correctly and
> the correct g-code information. Any advice?
> I used the outlines-gcode.ulp and it worked great for the isolation.
> Now, I just need a drill file...
> Thanks in advance,
> Zach
Discussion Thread
2001-11-14 01:30:57 UTC
Drill file from Eagle PCB
2001-11-14 03:03:23 UTC
Re: Drill file from Eagle PCB
Jon Elson
2001-11-14 10:53:13 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Drill file from Eagle PCB
2001-11-17 14:19:04 UTC
Re: Drill file from Eagle PCB