Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Digest Number 1837
Posted by
on 2001-12-07 06:56:10 UTC
Shoot! And I was hoping to get some free 5 axis contouring code to run on
my hexapod! I confess to being old and a bit dense here but how do you
keep cutter rotatation "tangent" to an arc in 3d? Perhaps you could
explain the difference between tangent and normal in this context.
I'd look for help in the files you posted but I don't believe that I have
the ability to read a MS 2000.doc file. I also see that Yahoo requires
cookies and don't allow the ask before setting option. I seem to exist in
the stone'd age. Perhaps you could attach a copy of those files off list?
Plain text would be prefered but doc 98,97,95, wpd, or xywrite would be
possible if I saddle the horse and carry a disk to the neighbors. Or are
these files to big for a disk?
Shoot! And I was hoping to get some free 5 axis contouring code to run on
my hexapod! I confess to being old and a bit dense here but how do you
keep cutter rotatation "tangent" to an arc in 3d? Perhaps you could
explain the difference between tangent and normal in this context.
I'd look for help in the files you posted but I don't believe that I have
the ability to read a MS 2000.doc file. I also see that Yahoo requires
cookies and don't allow the ask before setting option. I seem to exist in
the stone'd age. Perhaps you could attach a copy of those files off list?
Plain text would be prefered but doc 98,97,95, wpd, or xywrite would be
possible if I saddle the horse and carry a disk to the neighbors. Or are
these files to big for a disk?
> From: "yethdear0" <yethdear@...>
> Subject: Re: 2.5 axis vs. 3 axis
> 5 axis? The key words here were full 3D and "tangent" not "normal" to
> the surface.
Discussion Thread
2001-12-07 06:56:10 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Digest Number 1837
2001-12-07 07:06:22 UTC
Re: Digest Number 1837
M Doogan
2001-12-07 07:42:33 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Digest Number 1837
2001-12-07 10:46:27 UTC
Re: Digest Number 1837
2001-12-07 10:50:54 UTC
Re: Digest Number 1837
Randy Gordon-Gilmore
2001-12-07 10:55:38 UTC
Dome question
2001-12-07 11:12:20 UTC
Re: Dome question
Randy Gordon-Gilmore
2001-12-07 11:48:25 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Dome question
2001-12-07 12:14:09 UTC
Re: Dome question
Alan Marconett KM6VV
2001-12-07 15:02:31 UTC
Re: Digest Number 1837
2001-12-07 16:07:46 UTC
Re: Digest Number 1837
Randy Gordon-Gilmore
2001-12-09 10:31:58 UTC
Re: Dome question