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Re: qcad question

Posted by Hugh Currin
on 2002-01-11 16:55:20 UTC

Linux QCad? I put in some text and the first thing it does is ask for size.
The default was for large text, i.e. height of 10. Would be OK if mm but I'm
running in inches so 10" is large text. :-)

For dimesions you can change text dimensions under Options/Current
Drawing/Dimesnios or Options/General Preferences/Dimensions. The first for
only that drawing and the second to change the default.

Is this what you mean?

On Friday 11 January 2002 12:37 pm, you wrote:
> I'm finally starting to get a sort of handle on qcad, but how do I scale
> text? I'm drawing something about the size of a postcard, but qcad insists
> on inserting text suitable for a highway billboard, and nothing seems to be
> able to change it
> Bill

Hugh Currin, PE
Mechanical Engineering Technology
Oregon Institute of Technology
voice: 541/885-1649
fax: 541/885-1855
e-mail: currinh@...

Discussion Thread

Bill Vance 2002-01-11 12:37:23 UTC qcad question Hugh Currin 2002-01-11 16:55:20 UTC Re: qcad question dlantz@a... 2002-01-12 08:17:01 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] qcad question