Re: SeriesII Gecko210 voltage people use
Posted by
on 2002-01-21 16:42:25 UTC
Hi Alan,
My DC supplies are 88vdc or so, which is alittle high for the G210's
They are the original seriesII supplies (x3)run from 110vac vs the
220vac. Basically just a big transformer, bridge rect. and cap.
This yields a healthy 88vdc output ( down from the original unipolar
bi-level drive of 160vdc/12vdc ).
I removed the original primary-side 'control' transformers which
controlled the primary drive to the output transformer. These control
transformers acted as a 'variac'-like element to drop the voltage
after the stepper coils slewed up to 10amps or so. Then the voltage
was dropped to a holding level about 12vdc. This was the circa 1978
way of increasing speed. Its funny how convoluted the original
controls look at 1st, then after dissection, how simple
it really was.
Right now the variac is to bring the primary side down to 100vac or so
to get the output side to a more usable voltage.
My DC supplies are 88vdc or so, which is alittle high for the G210's
They are the original seriesII supplies (x3)run from 110vac vs the
220vac. Basically just a big transformer, bridge rect. and cap.
This yields a healthy 88vdc output ( down from the original unipolar
bi-level drive of 160vdc/12vdc ).
I removed the original primary-side 'control' transformers which
controlled the primary drive to the output transformer. These control
transformers acted as a 'variac'-like element to drop the voltage
after the stepper coils slewed up to 10amps or so. Then the voltage
was dropped to a holding level about 12vdc. This was the circa 1978
way of increasing speed. Its funny how convoluted the original
controls look at 1st, then after dissection, how simple
it really was.
Right now the variac is to bring the primary side down to 100vac or so
to get the output side to a more usable voltage.
--- In CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO@y..., Alan Marconett KM6VV <KM6VV@a...> wrote:
> Hi Lee,
> You don't need to regulate the motor voltage, just rectify and
> it! And please use ISOLATION (a transformer)!
> Alan KM6VV
> studleylee wrote:
> >
> > Thanks Tim and Peter.
> > I'm working on a big regulator to use on my supplies
> > vs. the variac I'm currently using to bring the mains down so
that my
> > vdc out doesnt exceed 70vdc.
> > -Lee
Discussion Thread
2002-01-21 09:41:26 UTC
SeriesII Gecko210 voltage people use
2002-01-21 09:46:59 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] SeriesII Gecko210 voltage people use
2002-01-21 10:35:19 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] SeriesII Gecko210 voltage people use
2002-01-21 15:30:13 UTC
Re: SeriesII Gecko210 voltage people use
Alan Marconett KM6VV
2002-01-21 15:54:17 UTC
Re: SeriesII Gecko210 voltage people use
2002-01-21 16:42:25 UTC
Re: SeriesII Gecko210 voltage people use
Alan Marconett KM6VV
2002-01-21 16:55:24 UTC
Re: SeriesII Gecko210 voltage people use
2002-01-21 17:02:42 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: SeriesII Gecko210 voltage people use
2002-01-21 19:57:55 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: SeriesII Gecko210 voltage people use
2002-01-22 00:54:22 UTC
Re: SeriesII Gecko210 voltage people use
2002-01-22 03:06:28 UTC
SERIES BUCKING was Re: SeriesII Gecko210 voltage people use
2002-01-22 09:44:28 UTC
Re: SeriesII Gecko210 voltage people use
Alan Marconett KM6VV
2002-01-22 10:46:22 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] SERIES BUCKING was Re: SeriesII Gecko210 voltage people use
2002-01-22 11:08:59 UTC
Re: SeriesII Gecko210 voltage people use
2002-01-22 12:41:39 UTC
Re: SeriesII Gecko210 voltage people use
2002-01-22 18:22:19 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: SeriesII Gecko210 voltage people use
Alan Marconett KM6VV
2002-01-22 22:10:43 UTC
Re: SeriesII Gecko210 voltage people use