CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Smart Motor

Posted by methadras
on 2002-01-26 10:07:57 UTC
hey mariss... thanks for the reply... when i talk to the rep i will
bring up this issue since it was one of mine as well... i'll see what
he says, but they might have solved or greatly found a resistance to
the problem of heat generated by the motor and the on-board drive...

as to your second question, this would be solely based on their
warranty of how good or bad they think they smartmotors are... as far
as not making practical sense, i tend to disagree... i would much
rather have an integrated system in some cases then not... i actually
see the total opposite... i think it very practicle... now as to the
robustness of the unit, well that remains to be seen...

i will definately let you know what the rep says and see if i can get
feedback from users if they are willing to part with that info... i
do definately call people that already own systems...

> Hi,
> Couple of practical objections to the "smart motor" concept:
> (1) Why mount a motor drive that generates heat and needs to get
> of it against a motor that generates heat and needs to get rid of
> as well?
> (2) Why should you replace a good motor when its drive fails, or a
> good drive when the motor fails?
> It is a cool-looking concept that makes no practical sense. I've
> one motor manufacturer that wanted we build a drive for their
> that we turned down for those reasons.
> Mariss

Discussion Thread

methadras 2002-01-25 18:57:49 UTC Smart Motor mariss92705 2002-01-25 19:10:47 UTC Re: Smart Motor Jon Elson 2002-01-25 22:50:18 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Smart Motor Peter Seddon 2002-01-26 04:10:38 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Smart Motor methadras 2002-01-26 10:07:56 UTC Smart Motor methadras 2002-01-26 10:07:57 UTC Re: Smart Motor ballendo 2002-01-27 07:39:43 UTC Re: Smart Motor William Scalione 2002-01-27 23:25:03 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Smart Motor craig roop 2002-01-28 22:40:48 UTC new user