RE: The Resurection
Posted by
Tim Goldstein
on 2000-01-04 22:30:16 UTC
Here is a copy of an old .ini file I found for DeskNC. I don't remember the
vintage and somewhere along the way in the version I had played with the
units specified in the velocity and the acceleration changed if I remember
NAMEM = ShopTask Lathe
VELOC = 300
ACCEL = 750
PORTI = 889
PORTO = 888
MDIRX = -1
MDIRY = -1
MDIRZ = -1
MSTPL = -1
STEP0 = 7680
BACK0 = 50
MOTA0 = 0
MOTB0 = 4
LIMT0 = 4
TRAV0 = 0
TOOL0 = 0
HOME0 = 0
STEP1 = 7680
BACK1 = 27
MOTA1 = 1
MOTB1 = 5
LIMT1 = 5
TRAV1 = 0
TOOL1 = 0
HOME1 = 0
STEP2 = 7680
BACK2 = 0
MOTA2 = 2
MOTB2 = 6
LIMT2 = 0
TRAV2 = 0
TOOL2 = 0
HOME2 = 0
[Denver, CO]
vintage and somewhere along the way in the version I had played with the
units specified in the velocity and the acceleration changed if I remember
NAMEM = ShopTask Lathe
VELOC = 300
ACCEL = 750
PORTI = 889
PORTO = 888
MDIRX = -1
MDIRY = -1
MDIRZ = -1
MSTPL = -1
STEP0 = 7680
BACK0 = 50
MOTA0 = 0
MOTB0 = 4
LIMT0 = 4
TRAV0 = 0
TOOL0 = 0
HOME0 = 0
STEP1 = 7680
BACK1 = 27
MOTA1 = 1
MOTB1 = 5
LIMT1 = 5
TRAV1 = 0
TOOL1 = 0
HOME1 = 0
STEP2 = 7680
BACK2 = 0
MOTA2 = 2
MOTB2 = 6
LIMT2 = 0
TRAV2 = 0
TOOL2 = 0
HOME2 = 0
[Denver, CO]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Smith [mailto:peter@...]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2000 11:37 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] The Resurection
> From: "Peter Smith" <peter@...>
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Tim Goldstein <timg@...>
> To: <>
> Sent: 30 December 1999 19:32
> Subject: Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] The Resurection
> > From: "Tim Goldstein" <timg@...>
> Tim
> When you were using DeskNC, can you remember what settings you were using
> for ,
> Step signal, Poss or Neg
> Dir signal, Poss or Neg
> Start Vel SPS
> Accelleration SPS*S
> I have the board mounted in its box, and coupled to the Mill, but
> the motors
> won't run from the computer, I am getting an erratic forward backward
> movement on all axis ( max speed set to 1), all axis run ok from
> the 555 so
> I may have some wrong connections on the input side
> of the socket,
> Best Wishes
> Peter Smith
> > The motors I am using are 3.2V 5A rating for bi-polar usage.
> >
> > Tim
> >
> > ---SNIP----
> > > Tim
> > > what size motors are you using on your machine, what volts/amps are
> they,
> > > mine are 2.5volt 4.5amp
> > >
> >
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> >
> > Welcome to CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO@...,an unmoderated list for
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Discussion Thread
Peter Smith
1999-12-29 09:30:45 UTC
The Resurection
Tim Goldstein
1999-12-29 10:05:35 UTC
Re: The Resurection
Peter Smith
1999-12-29 14:32:11 UTC
Re: The Resurection
Paul Corner
1999-12-29 16:07:02 UTC
Re: The Resurection
Peter Smith
1999-12-30 06:58:35 UTC
Re: The Resurection
Tim Goldstein
1999-12-30 11:32:29 UTC
Re: The Resurection
Peter Smith
2000-01-04 10:37:23 UTC
Re: The Resurection
Tim Goldstein
2000-01-04 12:06:30 UTC
Re: The Resurection
Dan Mauch
2000-01-04 16:21:24 UTC
Re: The Resurection
Tim Goldstein
2000-01-04 22:30:16 UTC
RE: The Resurection