CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Newbie Question - Motor Voltage?

Posted by JanRwl@A...
on 2002-06-24 20:28:25 UTC
In a message dated 24-Jun-02 21:34:14 Central Daylight Time,
scott@... writes:

> Whats the difference between 5V and 12V steppers?(besides 7 volts)
> Which is better? Stronger? Faster?

Scott: There are some smallish "5 volt" steppers, but if there are any 12
V., I am unaware of those. For a stepper to function at a reasonably-useful
mechanical speed (RPM), the INDUCTANCE must be low. This means fewer turns
of wire in the motor windings, and that means lower voltage, and higher
current for a given size motor.

Raising the # of turns in the windings, thus the voltage, may reduce the
CURRENT you must push through the motor, but it will render the motor capable
of slower and slower "top-end speed".

Drivers are made to be used with many voltages by changing some component(s),
usually resistors, so that a given drive can work with many types of motors
(see Gecko G210!).

"Better"??? Depends upon intended use. For most CNC machinery, the lower
voltage, higher-current designs are better, at least within practical limits.

Mariss has written extensively on this, and engineers Gecko Drives, the
current finest general-purpose bipolar-chopper drives available, in my
opinion. Check out HIS site (I will try to find the link, and leave it below
if successful)

Another site with info is Superior Electric. They are kinda the "granddaddy"
of steppers in the USA, but some will jump in my [deleted] for having said
that! Ask for their catalogs, etc. I will leave that link, too.

I just thought: There is a site called "Jones on Stepper Motors" (at least
that's what I call it in my address-book), and he has written lotsa useful
info for beginners. I will leave his link, too.

Don't stay up past your bedtime reading all this! Bookmark it for printing
when you can afford the paper and ink you will need!

Jan Rowland, Old Troll

<A HREF="">SLO-SYN Product Overview</A>
<A HREF="">Jones on Stepping Motors</A>
<A HREF="">Welcome to Geckodrive, Inc.</A>

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Discussion Thread

Scott 2002-06-24 19:32:30 UTC Newbie Question - Motor Voltage? JanRwl@A... 2002-06-24 20:28:25 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Newbie Question - Motor Voltage?