CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

One More Setup ????? EMC

Posted by terrytwombly
on 2002-08-29 11:32:59 UTC
Ok first off I have been working on setting up EMC off and on for the
past 6 months (I only have so much spare time). With out this group I
would never have been able to get it running, which I finally did
yesterday. So I would like to say to all that helped Thank you.

Now I started out setting up EMC because I wanted to put encoders on
my stepper driven mill and was told by Dan that his DOR card would
work with EMC and I could have an encoder accuracy stepper driven
mill. Now that I am ready to put the card into the computer that is
running the mill I sent an email to Dan and ask what do I have to do
next. The message I received was that there was a line in EMC .ini
that I had to uncomment a line for the port address for the DRO card,
but that it had been two years since he had played with EMC. What I
need to know is there anyone that has done this and WHAT LINE do
uncomment. I am very close to having this set up and would like it
finnished soon.
Thank you all for all of your help.
Terry Twombly

Discussion Thread

terrytwombly 2002-08-29 11:32:59 UTC One More Setup ????? EMC Ray Henry 2002-08-30 09:07:13 UTC Re: One More Setup ????? EMC