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Re: One More Setup ????? EMC

Posted by Ray Henry
on 2002-08-30 09:07:13 UTC

Glad that you got it working. The answer is to edit a line in the ini
(I'll quote a bit of it here)

; Name of motion control program
; EMCMOT = steppermod.o
EMCMOT = freqmod.o
; If using freqmod, make sure INPUT_SCALE and OUTPUT_SCALE are
; the same for all AXIS_x below.

Change line three above to read

EMCMOT = smdromod.o

This motion control program acts like freqmod so you will need to work on
input and output scale as indicated. You will also need to work on some
of the tuning parameters in order to get smooth motion.

I'd also allow a bit more velocity in the [TRAJ] section than in any
single axis section so that smdromod.o can catch up with lost steps or
steps deferred during acceleration.


On Friday 30 August 2002 06:17 am, you wrote:
> Message: 4
>    Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 18:32:56 -0000
>    From: "terrytwombly" <ttwombly@...>
> Subject: One More Setup ????? EMC
> Ok first off I have been working on setting up EMC off and on for the
> past 6 months (I only have so much spare time).  With out this group I
> would never have been able to get it running, which I finally did
> yesterday. So I would like to say to all that helped Thank you.
>  Now I started out setting up EMC because I wanted to put encoders on
> my stepper driven mill and was told by Dan that his DOR card would
> work with EMC and I could have an encoder accuracy stepper driven
> mill. Now that I am ready to put the card into the computer that is
> running the mill I sent an email to Dan and ask what do I have to do
> next. The message I received was that there was a line in EMC .ini
> that I had to uncomment a line for the port address for the DRO card,
> but that it had been two years since he had played with EMC. What I
> need to know is there anyone that has done this and WHAT LINE do
> uncomment. I am very close to having this set up and would like it
> finnished soon.
> Thank you all for all of your help.
> Terry Twombly

Discussion Thread

terrytwombly 2002-08-29 11:32:59 UTC One More Setup ????? EMC Ray Henry 2002-08-30 09:07:13 UTC Re: One More Setup ????? EMC