Re: ATX supply for other uses
Posted by
on 2000-02-07 06:25:56 UTC
Hi Greg,
The modern designs are more stable and require very little ( may a fan at 0.1A) to stabilize the outputs.
If you are getting NO output it's because the ATX has a power control line somewhere, it is used to control the on/off through
Search the web for the connection description, I know it's out there, I ran across it one time but did not make a link to it.
In my book Pin 14 is labeled "PS On" but I'm not sure what it needs to make it switch on... I would guess it needs to be
grounded as this is a bootstrap PSU i.e. it has to start itself in a regular computer, it fair to assume there is no power
before the psu is ON ..
If you just need the pin out connection let me know and I can copy the book tonight and send you a private email with the image.
I posted a tip about a good PSU deal at Jameco has one 18V @ 8.5A $14.95 catalog number 171125 , that's a good price. adding
a 7805 for 5V is easy..
Hans Wedemeyer
PS the circuit boards are working fine...
Greg Nuspel wrote:
The modern designs are more stable and require very little ( may a fan at 0.1A) to stabilize the outputs.
If you are getting NO output it's because the ATX has a power control line somewhere, it is used to control the on/off through
Search the web for the connection description, I know it's out there, I ran across it one time but did not make a link to it.
In my book Pin 14 is labeled "PS On" but I'm not sure what it needs to make it switch on... I would guess it needs to be
grounded as this is a bootstrap PSU i.e. it has to start itself in a regular computer, it fair to assume there is no power
before the psu is ON ..
If you just need the pin out connection let me know and I can copy the book tonight and send you a private email with the image.
I posted a tip about a good PSU deal at Jameco has one 18V @ 8.5A $14.95 catalog number 171125 , that's a good price. adding
a 7805 for 5V is easy..
Hans Wedemeyer
PS the circuit boards are working fine...
Greg Nuspel wrote:
> From: Greg Nuspel <gregnuspel@...>
> Thanks for the info. This one is rated 10amp on the 12v output which I
> was surprised to find.
> --
> Greg Nuspel
> "Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler. "
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Discussion Thread
Multi-Volti Devices
2000-02-06 20:40:10 UTC
ATX supply for other uses
Greg Nuspel
2000-02-07 04:14:12 UTC
Re: ATX supply for other uses
2000-02-07 06:25:56 UTC
Re: ATX supply for other uses
Greg Nuspel
2000-02-07 16:02:34 UTC
Re: ATX supply for other uses