CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Need indexing head software....

Posted by doug98105
on 2002-11-21 18:54:18 UTC

This has probably been discussed a million times on the list, but I
didn't pay attention because I didn't have a need until now.

I need a dos based stepper contol program for a single axis, an index
head for use on a CNC mill. Preferably, low cost or freeware. Needs
to have a method of sensing a switch closure from the machine's CNC
control to initiate rotation. Also, needs to have a method of
signaling back to the CNC controller when the rotary move is
completed. This type of communication between a CNC machine's
controller and an index head control is a common industry standard,
accomplished with 4 lines.

I own an older version of IndexerLPT which will do the job if I write
a frontend in Basic, but I'd prefer something that's already written
for this purpose.

Any ideas?



Discussion Thread

doug98105 2002-11-21 18:54:18 UTC Need indexing head software.... Chris L 2002-11-21 20:15:15 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Need indexing head software.... deanc500 2002-11-21 23:38:13 UTC Re: Need indexing head software.... deanc500 2002-11-21 23:50:00 UTC Re: Need indexing head software.... Robert Campbell 2002-11-22 05:20:24 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Need indexing head software.... doug98105 2002-11-22 07:27:01 UTC Re: Need indexing head software.... doug98105 2002-11-22 07:28:28 UTC Re: Need indexing head software.... doug98105 2002-11-22 07:30:18 UTC Re: Need indexing head software.... CL 2002-11-22 11:24:08 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Need indexing head software.... Tony Jeffree 2002-11-22 20:52:42 UTC Re: Need indexing head software....