CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Serail port CNC

Posted by Ray Henry
on 2003-01-03 16:43:24 UTC
Hi Carl.

There are two types of phase relationships available with freqmod. One
is a gray like code the other is quadrature out. Some info on these is
in the comments to the source itself.

There are serial port drivers for real-time but you'd have to figure out
how to get the signals you want to where you want them.


>    From: "Carl Mikkelsen, Oasis" <Carl.Mikkelsen@...>
> Subject: Serail port CNC (was RE: Why not Nintendo CNC? (was Re: Palm
> CNC))
> For my next CNC machine, am using serial port interfaced stepper
> drivers.  I had a PC board made to drive two motors from a single,
> daisy chained, serial port.  To handle the speed problem, I have done
> two things:
>          1)  I transmit motor phase information, not
> step-and-direction. 2)  I allow enhanced serial ports, and support
> speeds 4 times faster than the PC standard.
> This is not, however, compatible with step-and-direction CNC software.
>  I don't know if EMC supports a direct-phase output module.
> -- Carl

Discussion Thread

Ray Henry 2003-01-03 16:43:24 UTC Re: Serail port CNC