CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: CNCPro wish list

Posted by hansw
on 2000-02-15 13:57:23 UTC

I wonder does Doug Yeager monitor this list, or should we send the the final list when its done ?

as for your

> 3. The ability to customize syntax to mimic popular controllers.
>i.e. G60/64 could be changed to G08/09 (per RS-274D) to allow this function
>to be programed by CAD/CAM software.

If you are able to program the same functionality with seperate g-code, CNCPro does allow you to use Subroutines with variables.
could name a subroutine G08 etc and program the function once, and then call it when ever you needed it.
Just an idea. I posted an example using subroutines at my web site.

Hans Wedemeyer

"Harrison, Doug" wrote:

> From: "Harrison, Doug" <dharrison@...>
> > Having said that, there are a few things that I'd like to see in some
> > future
> > version.
> >
> > 1. Incremental jog setting remembered.
> > 2. Jog type remembered.
> > 3. Line editor
> > 4. Shell to DOS
> > 5. Sorted file list
> > 6. Coordinates NOT reset to zero after a jog.
> >
> > Alan
> >
> I would add:
> 1. The ability to separate setup and run modes more effectively.
> The interface is fine for me, but I would not want to turn an employee loose
> on it. The current layout allows the operator to unknowingly change things
> with an errant keystroke.
> 2. More sample part programs (to demonstrate all functions) would
> also be helpful. These are generally more useful than a programming manual.
> 3. The ability to customize syntax to mimic popular controllers.
> i.e. G60/64 could be changed to G08/09 (per RS-274D) to allow this function
> to be programed by CAD/CAM software.
> 4. A setup manual with useful hints and tips.
> 5. A tool-up command would be useful on knee mills.
> Doug Harrison
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Discussion Thread

Alan Rothenbush 2000-02-12 09:26:26 UTC CNCPro wish list hansw 2000-02-12 09:49:37 UTC Re: CNCPro wish list Harrison, Doug 2000-02-15 11:55:34 UTC RE: CNCPro wish list hansw 2000-02-15 13:57:23 UTC Re: CNCPro wish list