CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Sherline CNC stepper motors getting "stuck"

on 2003-02-10 18:13:52 UTC
Thanks for the responses. I think that spindle motor noise has been
causing some of the problems. I also forgot to note that I've
extended my step motor wires so that they are about 5 ft. long. Could
this cause some problems too?

I'm using a very short cable from the driver board to the computer
(only about 3") in an attempt to minimize noise there. How do I
shield the wires?

If I wire my motors half-winding, I will get more speed, but what
will I lose? Will I lose torque?

Also, Turbocnc says my maximum step rate is 18,200 Hz, so even if I
wire them half-winding, I don't see how I can get much more speed. My
computer is 1 Ghz, so it is pretty new. How do you get the computer
to output steps faster than 18,200 Hz?

Discussion Thread

builder4wd <builder4wd@y... 2003-02-08 01:07:35 UTC Sherline CNC stepper motors getting "stuck" abbylynx <abbylynx@y... 2003-02-08 05:46:01 UTC Re: Sherline CNC stepper motors getting "stuck" Carol & Jerry Jankura 2003-02-08 07:05:39 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Sherline CNC stepper motors getting "stuck" builder4wd <builder4wd@y... 2003-02-08 15:58:03 UTC Re: Sherline CNC stepper motors getting "stuck" Dave Kowalczyk <dkowalcz@d... 2003-02-08 18:23:23 UTC Re: Sherline CNC stepper motors getting "stuck" jeffalanp <xylotex@h... 2003-02-08 21:06:34 UTC Re: Sherline CNC stepper motors getting "stuck" Jon Elson 2003-02-08 22:47:13 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Sherline CNC stepper motors getting "stuck" dayap1 <dayap@m... 2003-02-09 18:47:26 UTC Re: Sherline CNC stepper motors getting "stuck" builder4wd <builder4wd@y... 2003-02-10 18:13:52 UTC Re: Sherline CNC stepper motors getting "stuck" William Scalione 2003-02-11 12:10:14 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Sherline CNC stepper motors getting "stuck"