CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Multicam tutorials and/or manual

Posted by jfinkels375
on 2003-03-12 13:55:08 UTC
Hi All,

Since the moderator raises the (legitimate) question of my being a
software pirate, I need to respond that I am the legal owner of the
MasterCam packages I ask about below. - The original owner went out
of business and I own his PC and all it's software licences, as I
purchased them all as one unit. (I work for a software company and I
am well aware of transferring software licenses - Mastercam license
agreement allows for this) - This is what made me take the steps to
really research CNC'ing my Sherline

I have been hanging around several machining and CNC oriented groups
over the last 6 months and trying to do my basic research in silent
mode, so when I ask questions, they are not repeats of ones in the
archives and FAQ's.

That being said, I hope that one of you kind and helpful souls will
send me a clue or two, as I have been able to resolve most every
other question I have so far by reading the archives

Thanks, and I hope no one was offended

Joe Finkelstine
--- In, "jfinkels375"
<jfinkelstine@c...> wrote:
> Moderators note*
> This group does not condone or support any forms of software
piracy. Requests for or support of this practice will lead to a
member being banned from the group.
> I am posting this note because the questions the poster is asking
may involve software that is being used outside of licensing for the
packages. This is not an accusation and I am not pointing fingers.
Many (most?) of the commercial packaged are not licensed in a way
that allow you to sell or trade the older version if it is upgrade. I
don't know the situation surounding the software the poster has and
he may have fully legal version of the software in questions. This
warning is just a reminder of the group policy on the subject and
requires no comments or discussion on the list. Off list comments are
welcome if you feel it is neccessary.
> Tim
> [Denver, CO]
> Hi All,
> I am a new member to this group and am building up my CNC system. I
> have been a manual Sherline users for several years and because of
> other hobby (Radio control flying - warbirds in particular), I
> decided to go about CNC'ing my mill. I have been researching
> archives and am planning on xylotex, driver board and such, but for
> now I have a question or two for the group regarding my CAM
> software.
> Through some horse trading, I am now the owner of Solidworks2003
> a copy of MasterCAM - Level 3 Mill (version 9), and MasterCam
> lathe. I am quite
> experienced in CAD and design software in general, but for the life
> of me, I cannot figure out Mastercam Mill. Perhaps it is becuse it
> has a 1970's era digitizer pad interface (just complaining here),
> realistically, the help files center on defining what a menu pick
> does rather than when and why to do something. I will be using
> for personal design and will not care
> about fast machining, pushing feed limits, etc. My materials will
> aluminum, wood, and occaisional other easy to machine materials.
> I have seen tutorial CD's for sale in the $150 range, and this is
> just not doable for me - so
> 1) Can anyone recoomend an online site or public domain manual, or
> better yet a tutorial or two?
> 2) Can I purchase older V8, V7, V6 manuals for hopes of a good
> turoial? - I am hoping that methodology and apporaches have not
> changed that much from last few versions even though I am sure GUI
> and additional functionality has occured. I have seen these manuals
> much cheaper, particularily V6 manuals
> 3) Has anyone set up MasterCam for Sherline equipment that can
> me as to setup, tool definitions, etc. in MAsterCam? - I really
> some gudiance here
> Thanks,
> Joe Finkelstine

Discussion Thread

jfinkels375 2003-03-12 08:25:45 UTC Multicam tutorials and/or manual jfinkels375 2003-03-12 13:55:08 UTC Re: Multicam tutorials and/or manual Marcus & Eva 2003-03-12 19:15:39 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Multicam tutorials and/or manual Marcus & Eva 2003-03-12 19:38:57 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Multicam tutorials and/or manual RichD 2003-03-12 19:59:40 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Multicam tutorials and/or manual