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RE: Re: Wonderboard

Posted by jguenthe
on 2000-02-29 07:23:48 UTC
I agree completely, one cable to the PC would be a blessing! I wind up
with enough stuff laying on the benches in my shop, Another factor to
consider, if you purchased multiple boards and mounted one on / near each
machine you have converted to CNC it becomes an easy matter to switch the PC
between CNC machines. You could even use one of the switch boxes that
switches all 25 lines to select which machine you are going to control.
Sounds like the wonder board is headed in the right direction to me.

John Guenther

-----Original Message-----
From: ginger@...
[mailto:ginger@...] On Behalf Of Ron Ginger
Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 8:36 AM
Subject: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Wonderboard

From: Ron Ginger <ginger@...>

I like the sound of these boards, and will buy a couple if they ever
exist. But I would only use them if they are external to the PC- I do
not see how all the screw terminals would make sense on a PC board-
think of the mess in back of the machine with all those wires. I like
the idea of a small board that could be mounted near the machine with
the various limit switch, step and dir signals, maybe a panic button,
maybe a ss realy switching drive motor power etc, then just one nice
parallel port cable to the back of the computer.


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Discussion Thread

Ron Ginger 2000-02-29 05:36:26 UTC Re: Wonderboard Harrison, Doug 2000-02-29 05:59:41 UTC RE: Re: Wonderboard jguenthe 2000-02-29 07:23:48 UTC RE: Re: Wonderboard Doug Harrison 2000-07-20 16:15:01 UTC Wonderboard Doug Harrison 2001-02-06 19:31:39 UTC Wonderboard Kenneth Fox 2001-02-06 21:36:21 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Wonderboard