Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: A "simple" Hexapod project - calibration
Posted by
Charles Knight
on 2003-06-15 19:57:09 UTC
>So, in other words, you access the motors one at a time. I've been
>The motors are full/half stepped unipolar motors with R-L drive, driven
>with phase data. That means that each motor requires 4 bits -- one bit per
>coil. The lower four bits of the parallel port data lines are the phase
>data, the next three bits define which motor, and the top bit is used as a
thinking in terms of parallel control lines, each outputting a "step
pulse" for a specific motor, and sending it to a translator circuit.
That circuit tells the motor to take a step, and sends the right
sequence...a direction bit tells it whether to step forward or back.
That's the way most of these 3 and 4 axis drivers are set up. Gecko,
Your way makes a lot of sense, and allows control over FAR more motors.
With 3 bits, you can address 8 motors (0-7) by their own ID number.
Does EMC support this type of output? If not, it probably wouldn't be
too hard to add...
>For the machine which is under construction, I am staying with phase drive,I'll take another look. I've been to your site several times, but to be
>with come changes. I'm using a serial port to interface to the motor
>drivers, each motor driver circuit board drives two bipolar motors, and I'm
>using a microstepping chopper driver. Details of the new motor drivers are
>also on my web site.
blunt, it's extensive. (That's a good thing -- congratulations, by the
way!) I've obviously missed some of the information it has to offer.
Thank you for such a comprehensive reply.
-- Chuck Knight
Discussion Thread
Charles Knight
2003-06-15 19:57:09 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: A "simple" Hexapod project - calibration
2003-06-16 02:35:14 UTC
Re: A "simple" Hexapod project - calibration