Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] reality milling
Posted by
Jon Elson
on 2003-06-17 09:43:23 UTC
Parker, Darcy wrote:
text on anything having to do with thermodynamics and engines I've
ever seen. It gets through all the performance calculations with nothing
worse than standard algebra, even when figuring out the angle the
blades should be tilted at. This book is slanted at commercial turbine
engine designers, so it has lots of stuff about internally cooled blades,
exotic seals, etc. used in full-size aircraft jet engines. but, the
part of it is totally down to earth, and very tractable.
The book is "Gas Turbine Theory 4th edition", by H Cohen, GFC Rogers and
HIH Saravanamuttoo, Copyright 1972 from Longman group Limited.
>Hi Tei,I got a book through eBay a couple years ago that is the most practical
>Turbines are pretty cool. There are many different types. I would recommend starting with a simple one like in a vacuum cleaner or a compressor. This type of turbine can be built with a 2.5 or 3 axis mill.
>Then you could get more complicated and build a gas turbine. This may require a 4 or 5 axis mill depending on the geometry. (I would wait until you have studied some differential equations and fluid dynamics before making a gas turbine... but maybe you'll find some plans that are easy to follow.)
text on anything having to do with thermodynamics and engines I've
ever seen. It gets through all the performance calculations with nothing
worse than standard algebra, even when figuring out the angle the
blades should be tilted at. This book is slanted at commercial turbine
engine designers, so it has lots of stuff about internally cooled blades,
exotic seals, etc. used in full-size aircraft jet engines. but, the
part of it is totally down to earth, and very tractable.
The book is "Gas Turbine Theory 4th edition", by H Cohen, GFC Rogers and
HIH Saravanamuttoo, Copyright 1972 from Longman group Limited.
Discussion Thread
2003-06-16 21:26:23 UTC
reality milling
Parker, Darcy
2003-06-17 05:54:35 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] reality milling
2003-06-17 07:14:54 UTC
Re: reality milling
Jon Elson
2003-06-17 09:43:23 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] reality milling
2003-06-17 12:08:06 UTC
Re: reality milling
2003-06-17 17:59:15 UTC
Re: reality milling