Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Bit-definitions of Parallel-port to run home-brew CNC stuff
Posted by
Alan Marconett KM6VV
on 2003-07-28 12:06:19 UTC
Hi Jan, Jeff,
This is what I'm using (from MaxNC):
* 1 m3 output, M3_OUTPUT_PIN
* 2 X step
* 3 X dir
* 4 Y step
* 5 Y dir
* 6 Z step
* 7 Z dir
* 8 A step
* 9 A dir
* 10 limit sw pos, LIMIT_SW_POS
* 11 input for m6, M6_INPUT_PIN (tool change)
* 12 limit sw neg, LIMIT_SW_NEG
* 13 G31 switch, G31_SW_SENSOR
* 14 m4 output, M4_OUTPUT_PIN
* 15 nc input, ESTOP_SW
* 16 m7 output, M7_OUTPUT_PIN
* 17 m8 output, M8_OUTPUT_PIN
* 18 all sig ground, 19-25 nc
M3 controls the spindle SSS. G31 reads the probe. See the Schematic I
posted under DriverPS.
Alan KM6VV
jeffalanp wrote:
This is what I'm using (from MaxNC):
* 1 m3 output, M3_OUTPUT_PIN
* 2 X step
* 3 X dir
* 4 Y step
* 5 Y dir
* 6 Z step
* 7 Z dir
* 8 A step
* 9 A dir
* 10 limit sw pos, LIMIT_SW_POS
* 11 input for m6, M6_INPUT_PIN (tool change)
* 12 limit sw neg, LIMIT_SW_NEG
* 13 G31 switch, G31_SW_SENSOR
* 14 m4 output, M4_OUTPUT_PIN
* 15 nc input, ESTOP_SW
* 16 m7 output, M7_OUTPUT_PIN
* 17 m8 output, M8_OUTPUT_PIN
* 18 all sig ground, 19-25 nc
M3 controls the spindle SSS. G31 reads the probe. See the Schematic I
posted under DriverPS.
Alan KM6VV
jeffalanp wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> When I designed the Xylotex board, I went with the configuration
> that MaxNC used, starting with XStep-pin 2,XDir pin 3,...
> I also added a connector with their three inputs (+lim, -lim, and
> probe), along with a GND (probably should have thrown in a +5V on the
> connector too but...
> Jeff
> --- In, "Jan Rowland" <JanRwl@A...>
> wrote:
> > Anyone who knows: Is there (yet) an "industry standard" specifying
> > which bits of the parallel (printer-) port are for STEP X, DIR X,
> > Jan Rowland
Discussion Thread
Jan Rowland
2003-07-27 19:31:09 UTC
Bit-definitions of Parallel-port to run home-brew CNC stuff
Lee Studley
2003-07-27 21:53:07 UTC
Re: Bit-definitions of Parallel-port to run home-brew CNC stuff
Tim Goldstein
2003-07-27 22:34:59 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Bit-definitions of Parallel-port to run home-brew CNC stuff
2003-07-28 09:51:36 UTC
Re: Bit-definitions of Parallel-port to run home-brew CNC stuff
Alan Marconett KM6VV
2003-07-28 11:19:10 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Bit-definitions of Parallel-port to run home-brew CNC stuff
Alan Marconett KM6VV
2003-07-28 12:06:19 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Bit-definitions of Parallel-port to run home-brew CNC stuff