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Re: breakout board question

Posted by ja_erickson
on 2003-09-14 18:33:05 UTC
--- In, "turbulatordude"
<davemucha@j...> wrote:
> --- In, "ja_erickson"
> <ja_erickson@y...> wrote:
> > Evening,
> >
> > I have the need to construct a breakout board for my
> > parallel port and game port. are opto-couplers the best way
> > to go for isolating the ports , i've read elsewhere
> > that they are slow ? can anyone tell me what components
> > or ratings that i would need? i'm using geckos, so i
> > believe these units are already isolated.
> > i know there are suppliers already out there , but
> > i just dont have the bux
> >
> > thanks
> > jeff
> opto's for the inputs like home switches.
> Gecko's already supplied with them so redundancy is not a benefit.
> A simple darlington and some small relays and you are set. the
> isolate the board from anything else.
> of, if you find cheap electronic relays that will work, that is a
> great find.
> Dave


you wouldnt know of anyone thats got a shematic ? i'm
not well versed in assembling that kind of stuff


Discussion Thread

ja_erickson 2003-09-14 17:31:53 UTC breakout board question turbulatordude 2003-09-14 18:10:04 UTC Re: breakout board question ja_erickson 2003-09-14 18:33:05 UTC Re: breakout board question ja_erickson 2003-09-14 18:33:38 UTC Re: breakout board question