CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

32 pitch pinion

Posted by carlcnc
on 2003-10-05 10:45:17 UTC
Hi Guys
I have the rack gears from some big plotters,really nice stuff.
cut from 1"x2" steel then hardened and "blued".
Anyone know a good source for 32 pitch pinions?
Also, how can I gauge the angle??


Discussion Thread

carlcnc 2003-10-05 10:45:17 UTC 32 pitch pinion Erie Patsellis 2003-10-05 12:48:48 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] 32 pitch pinion carlcnc 2003-10-05 13:37:43 UTC Re: 32 pitch pinion