Re: Transfer BallNut to new Screw?
Posted by
on 2004-01-15 14:30:47 UTC
--- In, "Todd Meidinger"
<junkmail@m...> wrote:
there is no significant chamfer on ether of them.
You would have to line the threads up carefully and ensure a constant
contact durring transfer.
I personally would rather use the little cardboard roll that
originally came with the Ballnut to transfer them onto and from there
to the new screw, the hollow cardboard conforms better to any possible
chamfers and you dont have to worry about lineing up threads.
Still requires a steady hand.
If you mess up don't worry they are easily reassembled.
Remove the ball return brackets and load the balls back in while
the nut is over the screw.
Use some grease to prevent the last few balls from falling out.
Good Luck
<junkmail@m...> wrote:
> I know very little about the mechaics of ball screw and ball nuts.Maybe you can if both screws are threaded all the way to the ends and
> I know enough to NOT remove the nut from the screw and thats about
> it.
> My question is, can I transfer a ball nut from one screw to a new
> screw? How is this done without loosing my marbles (balls) or
> rendring the ball nut useless?
> TIA.
> Todd
there is no significant chamfer on ether of them.
You would have to line the threads up carefully and ensure a constant
contact durring transfer.
I personally would rather use the little cardboard roll that
originally came with the Ballnut to transfer them onto and from there
to the new screw, the hollow cardboard conforms better to any possible
chamfers and you dont have to worry about lineing up threads.
Still requires a steady hand.
If you mess up don't worry they are easily reassembled.
Remove the ball return brackets and load the balls back in while
the nut is over the screw.
Use some grease to prevent the last few balls from falling out.
Good Luck
Discussion Thread
Todd Meidinger
2004-01-15 13:23:08 UTC
Transfer BallNut to new Screw?
2004-01-15 14:30:47 UTC
Re: Transfer BallNut to new Screw?
2004-01-15 15:54:44 UTC
Re: Transfer BallNut to new Screw?
Jon Elson
2004-01-15 21:43:10 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Transfer BallNut to new Screw?
2004-01-16 09:07:04 UTC
Re: Transfer BallNut to new Screw?